So , you have been dating this man for some time now and your wondering ,as well as your family and friends when he's gonna pop the question ? If you know your partner very well, he may not be ready to ask you that question we all love to hear. Some men are not that much of a hurry to walk down the Isle. They may like the "Playing house" deal but in reality there should be some changes in your relationship. Most, women, love it when their partner want to take that trip down the Isle. You know, The Next step. If you feel that your partner cringes up when you mention that word to him. Ask him what the **** is his problem .Some men like the free milk and honey that their getting and don't mind on keeping things the way it is. So gather up your thoughts and ask. And if Mr Man can't give you an answer in a timely fashion ,then go and do your thing. Why sit and wonder whats gonna happen next? It can't be that bad. Remember you can do bad all by yourself .
Good luck !
Ladies , take the next step if your partner is not ready. If your in a relationship ,take time out and wonder what is the hold up. If you can't think of anything just ask why Not ? He should justify to as why he's not ready.