Whether it's taking care of our family, working late. You have to find time for ourselves. Where am I , you might be saying to yourself ? Everybody needs me ! What about you? YOU need to find you!. NO body can't find you if you can't. So lets start to find ourselves and enhance ourselves a little bit

getting started Let's get started on ways that we can improve ourselves. You will want to make sure that this is what I need to do. Don't get started and never finish. You have to be aware of obstacles that will come your way. There is always something that will get in our way ,when we want to do something good for ourselves. It just makes you mad when you don't have that me time. This is important ! So now that you know that you are ready to start taking care of yourself Get to it! Step2

treat yourself like a precious flower. Indulge in yourself, you will feel better when you only think about you for a minute. There is no one, or thing ,that can keep you down. Have that I am sexy ,I look good attitude . Go to the hair dresser once or twice a month, or have that best friend that who know how to do hair hook you up. Have fun ! Go and buy you that nice outfit that you were looking at. You can look good even if you don't spend a lot of money. there are was to look expensive ,but knowing that you didn't spend a whole lot. go out with your friends , get into a good bible based church. Give god all the glory . Ladies we may have a struggling economy but in god's heaven there's no recession there. Stop worrying and take a day at a time . When you feel good spiritually you look good in and out. It shows and people will notice.

smell the roses Now take time out , do all the good things that won't harm you . Keep god first and stay true to yourself. Be confident , let your inner beauty shine and be humble.
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