Every relationship goes through some bad times. We all have our ups and downs,falling in and out of love. We have our best friends to confide in and they have their problems as well. This is part of growing up. We learn from our mistakes and some just don't. Now that you have met this guy and he's all that and a grape soda. He's got that nice whip and has a job, he dresses well and he treats you like you want to be treated. Sometimes it doesn't last .He may see some one while you guys are out and he may flirt when he thought that you didn't see him. Or his ex may have left a sultry message on his cell phone. What ever the case maybe ,he may just do things for you guys to break up. No break up is easy and it does cause bad feelings between the two of you. When it's the final moment when he knows that he is about to break up with you he may resort to old standards. Guys can come up with lame excuses and sometimes they will make you believe that it was your fault. Here are some of the break up lines that he may throw at ya. at least you will know some of them.
1. "it's not you : it's me"
His translation is really "it's not me : it's you!
ladies , Id say about one third of men admit that they're lying when they want to break up the relationship. You know they try to soften the blow a bit making sure that they assure you ,that your a good person, and they want to take the blame but really blame you. They just want to hid the fact that they can't be truthful. They're saying that you may be right for someone else instead of them . You know they're right . You are probably better off with someone else.
"I'm not ready for a relationship right now "
His translation is really WHHHHHHHOAAa baby ,slow down !
most guys get frightened when you tell them "I never felt this way about anyone before" They are frightened silly it's not that they don't want to be with you but some are not really ready to get serious. Some take it as your getting ready to plan your wedding. I am sure your not planing this with this guy ,or are you ? Well any way he thinks your moving too fast for him and his speed.
Can I call you sometime ?
His translation is really !
If your lonely around 3 am can I come over.
he may not be that crass but he wants to keep the door open , He doesn't want your ex stopping by and sampling his cookies. You all know what I mean. He wants to hang on if things don't work out with him. He's no dummy ,so you have to be on top of your game with this one!
"I still care about you"
His translation is really
Don't let your friends know that I'm a jerk. I'm pretty sure that his friends and your s already know that he is a big fool to ever leave you. Now I'm assuming that your that special girl that is friendly and everyone likes you. Your a good person . He probably cares about you ,but he wants his cake and eat it too, and you should but with someone Else's time not yours. Believe me he is shameful some how, especially in front of his boys.
Well you hold the key to your happiness and don't let anyone take that from you . Be Well !
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