You don't have to be like Orlando Bloom when it comes down to making love to your lady. One of the many challenges men make is to decide on what positions to use when getting the cutty. Their biggest fear that is if my lady will get bored with the same old, position each time . Fellas if your this man you have to do so changing to make your lady enjoy you more.. So know you have to come up with new sexual positions. The remedy for this to communicate with you lady and find out what not to do. With keeping this in mind guys, We will discuss the 5 most mistakes that your making so that they won't happen again or continuing making them. Are you ready for the mistake list ?
1. This is probably the biggest mistake that why you guys fail with sexual positions, when you try to imitate what you have seen in a porno flick. Most guys think that porno is a good model because they see the man who may be well built slapping that booty and think "that I can do that too". The problem here is, that this is a show and it is a scene for viewers, and not for the pleasure of the actors themselves. So stop Imitating do your own thing !
2. To a lady sex is a way for her to feel close to her man. Many women love it when her man lays between her thighs and she loves it when he presses down on her. So don't try to keep your weight off her. Your probably wondering how much weight right? You can tell if you just pushed her through the bed. I didn't say smoother the woman. Do this within limits guys and if your that brother that grinds her pubic bone too long , it will differently be painful for her and that would be a big turn off. Guys we love to feel you pressing hard on us. So press on brother , but be careful.
3.Sex is mostly a passive activity for us, so by being the one on top ,we are opening our selves for you to come on in . If your are just laying there and expect us to do all the work that is a big turn off for us. So get you motions on too and help rock tha boat.!
4. Don't be a wuss, many guys think that, women like it if the man ask for sex ,like you need to have our permission. this is not cool guys. Take the initiative and start the ball rolling your self. Be aggressive and toss that lady like there's no tomorrow and get wild show her that your are hot for her and make her feel that she is the queen of queens in the bed room. Flip it slap it rub it
you know how we like it.
5.Don't try a position that your not sure of, unless your that experienced man that can conquer all. You don't have to be Clint Eastwood hanging from the chandelier. Be yourself and try the positions that you lady may like the best way is to discuss them and if she doesn't like it so will tell you . Tricky positions are so frustrating and often kill the mood, wondering where should I put my leg . You should be having fun not wondering ! Have fun and Be Well Peace Out
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