Let's talk with our partners about trying something new.We all like to try new things when were in love and want to satisfy our partners. When your in a good trusting relationship it's safe to try new things, especially when your partner agrees . Did you know that this is a risk your taking? When you and your partner are used to having sex the usual way, you move out of your comfort zone. Moving out of your comfort does take it's toll. On the other hand it's letting your partner know that you find them desirable and the need to try something new. There's nothing wrong with feeling that way about your partner, That's if you both agree . If you are not sure ,on how to approach this ,take time out and make a plan on how you can present this to your lover. Did you know, by you and your partner having curiosity about other sex acts is completely healthy . So folks there is nothing wrong with it.
Take time out to plan how you will bring this idea up to your partner. Don't bring this up at the last minute. This is not sexy at all. You both can talk about it and both visualize how this may be . It does get exciting. Now when suggesting what you want to try , make sure that you know what you are doing or have some idea . You can go on a website both of you can browse through together. Learning together can be a lot of fun . Doing this together can make both of you have a comfortable level with each other. Sometimes your partner may think that you are bored with them and you are longing to do this with someone else. You make sure that this is not the case and your partner may not feel like this . Now you can continue.
All relationships should have rules, whether it be spoken or unspoken , about what is good and what isn't . You want to be able to speak with your partner about trying new sexual things. Not all people want to discuss this . Some are taboo. Some are just not open to new things . Make sure if your the one who suggest the new sex act , You be the one to make the first move . Don't expect your partner to make the first move and feel all fuzzy , they may not know how to do whatever your requesting .
So if your the one who likes to play cops and robbers you make sure that you get the cop mad so you can get arrested clink clink you know the deal . Have fun !!
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