Thursday, June 18, 2009

His Break Up Lines Are - What ?

Every relationship goes through some bad times. We all have our ups and downs,falling in and out of love. We have our best friends to confide in and they have their problems as well. This is part of growing up. We learn from our mistakes and some just don't. Now that you have met this guy and he's all that and a grape soda. He's got that nice whip and has a job, he dresses well and he treats you like you want to be treated. Sometimes it doesn't last .He may see some one while you guys are out and he may flirt when he thought that you didn't see him. Or his ex may have left a sultry message on his cell phone. What ever the case maybe ,he may just do things for you guys to break up. No break up is easy and it does cause bad feelings between the two of you. When it's the final moment when he knows that he is about to break up with you he may resort to old standards. Guys can come up with lame excuses and sometimes they will make you believe that it was your fault. Here are some of the break up lines that he may throw at ya. at least you will know some of them. 1. "it's not you : it's me" His translation is really "it's not me : it's you! ladies , Id say about one third of men admit that they're lying when they want to break up the relationship. You know they try to soften the blow a bit making sure that they assure you ,that your a good person, and they want to take the blame but really blame you. They just want to hid the fact that they can't be truthful. They're saying that you may be right for someone else instead of them . You know they're right . You are probably better off with someone else. "I'm not ready for a relationship right now " His translation is really WHHHHHHHOAAa baby ,slow down ! most guys get frightened when you tell them "I never felt this way about anyone before" They are frightened silly it's not that they don't want to be with you but some are not really ready to get serious. Some take it as your getting ready to plan your wedding. I am sure your not planing this with this guy ,or are you ? Well any way he thinks your moving too fast for him and his speed. Can I call you sometime ? His translation is really ! If your lonely around 3 am can I come over. he may not be that crass but he wants to keep the door open , He doesn't want your ex stopping by and sampling his cookies. You all know what I mean. He wants to hang on if things don't work out with him. He's no dummy ,so you have to be on top of your game with this one! "I still care about you" His translation is really Don't let your friends know that I'm a jerk. I'm pretty sure that his friends and your s already know that he is a big fool to ever leave you. Now I'm assuming that your that special girl that is friendly and everyone likes you. Your a good person . He probably cares about you ,but he wants his cake and eat it too, and you should but with someone Else's time not yours. Believe me he is shameful some how, especially in front of his boys. Well you hold the key to your happiness and don't let anyone take that from you . Be Well !

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

How to Trust Your Lover And Not Spy

Hey guys did you know 85% of women who suspect that their mates are cheating are right? The gut feeling that women have is so strong among us are far stronger than among men Who are right most of the time about a cheating partner about half the time. 1. Step 1 Confront your partner but do it in a mild way Spying a gut feeling that just don't justify a couple's behavior. Research has shown that couple's who spy on each other rarely stay together. If you find yourself spying on your mate your relationship is already in trouble. 2. Step 2 people love to play out their fantasies Cell phones track all of your partners calls and text messages . ( you know that most of us has peeked , every now and then You know who you are stop playing) . Email and IM and blogs, most of us offer another world for many of us to play out our most deepest desires and other parts of personalities . You all know what I mean . 3. Step 3 kids are effected by this also ! Spying is a sign that your relationship has deteriorated , or never what is should have been the first place. Most times when we catch our mate cheating, we have the will to break up and leave that person. Others have a harder time doing so. Sometimes kids are involved and we don't want to break up the home. You have to do what's right and make it right. Try talking to your mate and find a solution and work hard to fix it. If your truly in love and have trust there should not be any suspicion . Try going out and away and talk to one another and find out what are you and your partner fears. Be Well !

Sunday, June 7, 2009

How to Mend After a Break Up- The 4 Rules

After your relationship ends, or your going through a divorce, The idea of getting back out to the dating world can be frightening to you and your children .Taking time to heal, is the best way to mend after a breakup . You have to be mentally and emotionally prepared to date again. This is the most important parts, of dating, after you have split from your partner. This can be quite dramatic ,especially if children are involved. They suffer as well, so be careful with the decision that you make. If you and your ex had been together for sometime, children don't adapt too fast to a break up. This is where you need the help of a therapist and family members for support. Take each day as it comes. When your ready to get back out there into the dating world you will know ! Divorce ,or any other break up can put a toll on a person's self-esteem. You might blame yourself for the break up, feel that your a failure, or wonder where did you go wrong. It can really drag you through the mud. Only time will heal what you are feeling . Go and do something for yourself. Feeling guilty is not the way ,especially if your not the one who started the break up. So build your self-esteem do the things that you like to do. Get the girls and do the spa thing. If your a male get with your buddies. Getting out and about is good . You won't run into Brad Pitt or Angelina jolie hanging around the house. (there's a slim chance that you will anyhow) You have to get back out there and join the crowd. Ask some of your friends if they know any available single people. Just having fun helps out . Maybe try online dating, be careful when doing this. The more dates you go on, not only builds your confidence you have that chance of meeting that someone special. So grab your friends and have fun. If children are involved, this is hard for them too. You have to consider their feelings. Let the children know that they are not to blame for the break up . Helping children cope with a divorce is hard work. Be prepared to answer all questions. Go to a therapist and have one on one with family members to help you. There is support and help . Be patient when you bring a new mate around children. this may take sometime, but you can do it . Yes you can !!

Friday, June 5, 2009

How to do Fellatio

Fellatio is the technical name . Others have their on choice of words or phrases that they use. Guys love it so much that they don't care how you do it. they know if your about to do the act they get pretty excited and can't wait . This will make him so happy .# step 1 Whether you use the technical term Fellatio or call it a blow job, or going down on your man. This act requires a lot trust and some knowledge. Most men don't need to much stimulation , others may. You know your lover better than anyone else. So you know what he likes and know how to please him. Fellatio can be slow, fast, and so seductive that he will just explode with delight. # Step 2 When doing fellatio, you want your man to be clean. You both can shower and bathe together and you know that he is clean. Being clean is what most women worry about . They worry about taste and smell. That is why you want your man to be clean. Knowing your man is clean makes you feel comfortable. # Step 3 Give him a lick. Follow up with your tongue exploring him with slow wide strokes you will hear him quiver with delight. Use all the saliva you got girl this makes it easier for you to go down on his joystick. This is a natural lube and makes it easier for both of you . Now when doing the job make sure that you are comfortable and so is he. have him sit down and you kneel in front of him. Using a pillow may help your knees. If your partner is getting ready to come and if your not the one to swallow jump up and ride that horse and pour that juice in your cup You know what I mean Have fun Be Well !

How to Teach Your Lover To Talk Dirty

If you can't talk dirty with the one you love Talk to the one your with. Talking dirty with your lover is one of those sexy behaviors that people are uncomfortable with. Boy this makes the sex real hot and juicy . It's letting your self feel free and wanting to share this with your lover. Let's teach our lover how to talk dirty if they don't know how.My peeps , learning to talk dirty is a labor of love , this takes time ! You want to say the right stuff, not some off the wall stuff ( well maybe later when things get heated up). You want it be authentic . Dirty talk can sound silly at times, but it's what you and your partner like. Good dirty talk is what you make it, and you want to do well. You need to be yourself not that person you see on the big screen. You need to take on your own role honey. Ain't nobody like you !You got that sexy voice that your lover loves to hear. whether it be the groaning ,high pitched squeals or that soft whispering in your ear oh my goodness. Whatever it is , is a turn on buddy. You don't need one voice you can have several of them. Your lover will not know what to expect ! This will drive them fool !f you don't know how to talk dirty expand your vocabulary . This is your opportunity to go full speed ahead on the foul mouth express. You can practice on your own first . Getting comfortable with yourself first is best. You can fantasize about having sex with your partner and talking dirty to them. It works no lie ! Start this off your head and get loud with it . One of the many reasons that we don't do dirty talk because it may sound stupid, This may make your partner make fun of you and put a damper on that one then not saying anything at all (There goes the fun out the window ya'll). So It is very important to set ground rules.A great way to start dirty talk with is to take it slow. Don't rush into any mambo jumbo, you got to know what your saying . Start off by describ it to your partner out loud what is going in here ,what is happening while having sex. OHH we. talking dirty is a two way street, so have your lover join in on the fun Be Well !

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Painful Intercourse there Is Help !

Having painful intercourse will put the act on the back burner . There are so many reasons why your having this problem. It is mostly physical problems that hinder you not the psychological ones that can keep you from having your fun. Most causes are deep penetration that may make you feel awful. Love making is supposed to feel good not hurt. Having a dry vagina, a yeast infection , aback that is out of whack, all sorts of things. Check with your doctor see what he can do for you. You may just need to stay on top and ride that old stallion (this will put a smile on his face) This way you are in control and you know how deep to slide down that pole . Yes mama you know what I'm talking about don't' ya ! I know you must have some good ole tricks up that sleeve. There are lots of other pleasures that you get while being on top. Now if you just had a child ,and your estrogen levels are not where they should be at this time. Give it some time. You want to have great sex not painful sex. To tell if your ready to do the do again rub your lower tummy and vagina area with your fingers. If you do not feel pain girl your already half way there. Remember this , please check with your doctor and make sure that your using some type of birth control method stay well

Suggesting New Sexual Activities To Your Partner !

Let's talk with our partners about trying something new.We all like to try new things when were in love and want to satisfy our partners. When your in a good trusting relationship it's safe to try new things, especially when your partner agrees . Did you know that this is a risk your taking? When you and your partner are used to having sex the usual way, you move out of your comfort zone. Moving out of your comfort does take it's toll. On the other hand it's letting your partner know that you find them desirable and the need to try something new. There's nothing wrong with feeling that way about your partner, That's if you both agree . If you are not sure ,on how to approach this ,take time out and make a plan on how you can present this to your lover. Did you know, by you and your partner having curiosity about other sex acts is completely healthy . So folks there is nothing wrong with it. Take time out to plan how you will bring this idea up to your partner. Don't bring this up at the last minute. This is not sexy at all. You both can talk about it and both visualize how this may be . It does get exciting. Now when suggesting what you want to try , make sure that you know what you are doing or have some idea . You can go on a website both of you can browse through together. Learning together can be a lot of fun . Doing this together can make both of you have a comfortable level with each other. Sometimes your partner may think that you are bored with them and you are longing to do this with someone else. You make sure that this is not the case and your partner may not feel like this . Now you can continue. All relationships should have rules, whether it be spoken or unspoken , about what is good and what isn't . You want to be able to speak with your partner about trying new sexual things. Not all people want to discuss this . Some are taboo. Some are just not open to new things . Make sure if your the one who suggest the new sex act , You be the one to make the first move . Don't expect your partner to make the first move and feel all fuzzy , they may not know how to do whatever your requesting . So if your the one who likes to play cops and robbers you make sure that you get the cop mad so you can get arrested clink clink you know the deal . Have fun !!

Mistakes That Men Make .!

You don't have to be like Orlando Bloom when it comes down to making love to your lady. One of the many challenges men make is to decide on what positions to use when getting the cutty. Their biggest fear that is if my lady will get bored with the same old, position each time . Fellas if your this man you have to do so changing to make your lady enjoy you more.. So know you have to come up with new sexual positions. The remedy for this to communicate with you lady and find out what not to do. With keeping this in mind guys, We will discuss the 5 most mistakes that your making so that they won't happen again or continuing making them. Are you ready for the mistake list ? 1. This is probably the biggest mistake that why you guys fail with sexual positions, when you try to imitate what you have seen in a porno flick. Most guys think that porno is a good model because they see the man who may be well built slapping that booty and think "that I can do that too". The problem here is, that this is a show and it is a scene for viewers, and not for the pleasure of the actors themselves. So stop Imitating do your own thing ! 2. To a lady sex is a way for her to feel close to her man. Many women love it when her man lays between her thighs and she loves it when he presses down on her. So don't try to keep your weight off her. Your probably wondering how much weight right? You can tell if you just pushed her through the bed. I didn't say smoother the woman. Do this within limits guys and if your that brother that grinds her pubic bone too long , it will differently be painful for her and that would be a big turn off. Guys we love to feel you pressing hard on us. So press on brother , but be careful. 3.Sex is mostly a passive activity for us, so by being the one on top ,we are opening our selves for you to come on in . If your are just laying there and expect us to do all the work that is a big turn off for us. So get you motions on too and help rock tha boat.! 4. Don't be a wuss, many guys think that, women like it if the man ask for sex ,like you need to have our permission. this is not cool guys. Take the initiative and start the ball rolling your self. Be aggressive and toss that lady like there's no tomorrow and get wild show her that your are hot for her and make her feel that she is the queen of queens in the bed room. Flip it slap it rub it you know how we like it. 5.Don't try a position that your not sure of, unless your that experienced man that can conquer all. You don't have to be Clint Eastwood hanging from the chandelier. Be yourself and try the positions that you lady may like the best way is to discuss them and if she doesn't like it so will tell you . Tricky positions are so frustrating and often kill the mood, wondering where should I put my leg . You should be having fun not wondering ! Have fun and Be Well Peace Out